Thursday. What a special day for us as we were privileged to accompany Caleb to the Nauvoo Temple to receive his endowments. Since there are not too many who take out their endowments there, he was a bit of a celebrity, with some of the workers already aware of who he was and that he had just opened his call. Then to top it off, the brother who assisted him in the initiatory was Richard Evans, the son of Richard L. Evans, the late apostle who for many years was the voice of the Spoken Word at the tabernacle.
The inside of the temple is so beautifully constructed with period woodwork and design, especially the spiral staircases that

are just magnificent. We were given a little tour around and heard much and saw much that was wonderfully done so well.
My son Michael and his pretty wife Brittany (who BTW is carrying grandchild #11), were able to come along as well and they were asked to be the witness couple. All in all, it was a grand morning for us all.